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到2022年,一次性塑料制品消費量明顯減少(consumption of single-use plastic products will be significantly reduced),替代産品(substitute products)得到推廣,塑料廢棄物資源化能(néng)源化利用比例大幅提升;在塑料污染問題突出領域和電商、快遞、外賣等新興領域,形成(chéng)一批可複制、可推廣的塑料減量和綠色物流模式。

The use of nondegradable plastic bags, for example, is expected to vanish in some major consuming sectors, including shopping malls, supermarkets and restaurant takeout services, first in metropolises by the end of this year and then in all major Chinese cities and all urban areas in coastal regions by the end of 2022.到2020年底,大型城市的商場、超市、以及餐飲打包外賣服務等,禁止使用不可降解塑料袋;到2022年底,實施範圍擴大至全部地級以上城市建成(chéng)區和沿海地區縣城建成(chéng)區。

Non-degradable single-use plastic straws will be banned by the end of 2020, while non-degradable single-use plastic tableware will be banned from dining-in in cities. By the end of 2022, the ban on plastic tableware will be extended to dining-in in counties.到2020年底,全國(guó)範圍餐飲行業禁止使用不可降解一次性塑料吸管;城市餐飲堂食服務,禁止使用不可降解一次性塑料餐具。到2022年底,縣城餐飲堂食服務,禁止使用不可降解一次性塑料餐具。

到2025年,塑料制品生産、流通、消費和回收處置等環節的管理制度基本建立(establish a complete plastics management system),多元共治體系基本形成(chéng),替代産品開(kāi)發(fā)應用水平進(jìn)一步提升(make progress in the development of substitute products),重點城市塑料垃圾填埋量大幅降低(significantly reduce the amount of plastic waste going to landfills),塑料污染得到有效控制(bring plastic pollution under effective control)。

By the end of 2025, the use of non-degradable single-use plastic tableware for take-out in cities should be cut by 30 percent, according to the document.到2025年,城市餐飲外賣領域不可降解一次性塑料餐具消耗強度下降30%。

Moreover, all hotels and guesthouses should stop using single-use plastic wares by 2025, while postal and express service outlets should cease using non-degradable plastic packaging, plastic tape and single-use plastic woven bags.到2025年底,賓館、酒店等場所不再主動提供一次性塑料用品;全國(guó)範圍郵政快遞網點禁止使用不可降解的塑料包裝袋、塑料膠帶、一次性塑料編織袋等。


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